A professional third-party logistics service providers in China
Business services
Domestic logistics service

Transportation Service

Long-distance transport

Service advantage

  • Door-to-door service&delivery.
  • LCL& FCL shipments Multiple transport services.
  • More than 60 Transport teams.
  • Regular scheduled two-way transportation.
  • Covering major economic regions of the country.

Resource allocation

    • high-powered,300HP configuration to ensure long distance security.
  • Multi-Type Vehicles-van vehicle、High-sided truck、Flat car、Container
  • Double drive、Vehicle continuous working、Safety、High speed

Provinces Distribution

Service advantage

  • Door-to-door service
  • Vehicle,single-point or multi-points picked up and delivery goods.
  • Regular deliveries,Aging security
  • Escort, check the goods and documents handover
  • Collection on delivery and Payment for goods represent a client
  • Installing etc.
  • Distributed in the province and city

Resource allocation

  • Vehicle using the Euro IV, V Environmental protection models
  • Fixed the Delivery personnel
  • Vehicles-van,Equipped with hydraulic panel
  • Vehicles-van,equipped with wing carriage
  • Distributing system intelligence and optimized disp
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