A professional third-party logistics service providers in China
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Pilot Logistics

Pilot Logistics(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd. is a professional third-party logistics service providers in China.It mainly provides design of logistics, transportation and delivery, warehousing management, Value-added logistics service, as well as international freight forwarder,etc.

Company excellent members are from international famous logistics enterprises, Because they have been held a important position in sales, operations and personnel departments,so,they have rich experience in operation and management.

Through self build and cooperation mode,the company has adequate logistics resources in the warehouse and vehicles.To understand the customer's service needs, combined with modern logistics technology, providing high quality and convenient logistics service to customers with high- end production and trade in China.

The company's operating network across the country and Besides have multiple projects operating base in Shanghai,There have branches and offices in Beijing, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan, Xi'an, Urumqi, Shenzhen and other places.

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